Missions and Social Justice Ministry
"What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness
and to walk humbly with your God." -Micah 6:8
We believe that God is at work beyond the church as well as within it. As Christians, it is our responsibility to work for justice and peace for our neighbors as well as ourselves. We are committed to work for justice through awareness, education, understanding compassion, prayer and action. World peace becomes possible when we focus on and grow in peace within ourselves, our families, our church, our community, our country and our world.
Chatham Ecumenical Council for the Homeless (CECH) - Purchase Stop & Shop Gift Cards- CECH helps prevent homelessness by providing financial assistance to families in need due to job loss, health or other family related crisis. We participate with Stop & Shop purchasing of gift cards, of which they donate 5% of proceeds to CECH. It's a great way to help the homeless with no cost to you! Please participate. You can buy gift cards at Fellowship hour after worship on Sunday.
Chatham Food Pantry - The Chatham Food Pantry provides food for Chatham people in need. There is a collection bin in the hallway outside the vestry. Click here to print a shopping list of most needed items.
Chatham Ecumenical Council for the Homeless (CECH) - Purchase Stop & Shop Gift Cards- CECH helps prevent homelessness by providing financial assistance to families in need due to job loss, health or other family related crisis. We participate with Stop & Shop purchasing of gift cards, of which they donate 5% of proceeds to CECH. It's a great way to help the homeless with no cost to you! Please participate. You can buy gift cards at Fellowship hour after worship on Sunday.
Chatham Food Pantry - The Chatham Food Pantry provides food for Chatham people in need. There is a collection bin in the hallway outside the vestry. Click here to print a shopping list of most needed items.
Missions Currently Supported:
One Great Hour of Sharing
Strengthen the Church (pastor training, support of new churches)
Neighbors in Need (development in the U.S.)
Christmas Offering (support retired clergy who have very little pension)
Our Church’s Wider Mission (support the denomination)
Disaster Relief (Nepal)
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
The Water Project (building wells in sub-Saharan Africa)
Heifer Project International
Chatham Ecumenical Council on Homelessness (CECH)
Chatham Food Pantry
The Children’s Fund (formerly the Chatham Teacher’s Fund)
Children’s Center (reduced-cost daycare)
Congregate House
Covenant to Care (help for a specific family who has taken in foster children)
Habitat for Humanity (building affordable homes)
Homeless Not Hopeless
Independence House (shelter, advocacy for domestic abuse victims)
NAMI-serving the families and friends of people with mental illness, as well as the individuals who have a mental illness themselves on Cape Cod and The Islands.
One Great Hour of Sharing
Strengthen the Church (pastor training, support of new churches)
Neighbors in Need (development in the U.S.)
Christmas Offering (support retired clergy who have very little pension)
Our Church’s Wider Mission (support the denomination)
Disaster Relief (Nepal)
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
The Water Project (building wells in sub-Saharan Africa)
Heifer Project International
Chatham Ecumenical Council on Homelessness (CECH)
Chatham Food Pantry
The Children’s Fund (formerly the Chatham Teacher’s Fund)
Children’s Center (reduced-cost daycare)
Congregate House
Covenant to Care (help for a specific family who has taken in foster children)
Habitat for Humanity (building affordable homes)
Homeless Not Hopeless
Independence House (shelter, advocacy for domestic abuse victims)
NAMI-serving the families and friends of people with mental illness, as well as the individuals who have a mental illness themselves on Cape Cod and The Islands.