We thank you, in advance, for your gift to the First Congregational Church.
How to Reach Us
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Church Announcements - We are open!
Weekly service is held every Sunday, 10am. We also live stream the service. You can watch it here: www.youtube.com/@chathamcongregational5307 Our church office is open.
Monday 9am - 1pm Wednesday and Friday 10am - 2pm and Monday - Friday 3 - 6pm. Any questions? You may contact us by email or call the office during office hours or leave a voicemail. 508-945-0800. |
Sign up for Zoom Meeting Events and Church Emails
Upcoming Events at FCCC
Become a Member of our church!
Several people have asked how they could become members of The First Congregational Church of Chatham Here’s how:
Come to a Prospective Members Orientation Meeting (a.k.a. New Members Class). We offer these meetings on the last Sunday of each month at 11am immediately after worship service in the Parlor. No longer than 1 hour, this time will be spent introducing attendees to the church, its history, and all the wonderful programming that is offered here.
What Is Stephen Ministry?
Our congregation’s Stephen Ministry equips lay-people to provide one-to-one Christian care to people in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Stephen Ministry is a confidential ministry. The identity of those receiving care and everything they discuss with a Stephen Minister remain private. Could you or someone you know benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister? Learn more Here |